Anime is a decentralized Binance Smart Chain Token.

Mike Wang
Jul 12, 2021


Anime Token ® is a decentralized Binance Smart Chain Token and a unique ERC1155 NFT platform.
We offer professional Anime-style artwork on our NFT staking platform. Anime Token ® is for weebs and otakus;

  • Total and Max-Supply of Anime = 69.000.000 Tokens. No MINT.

Our Creative Team

Mike Wang CEO

Over 5 years experience with cryptocurrency and marketing , has developed anime token in 2020. A trusted CEO with motivation and passion for the community.

Kailey Ambasador

She worked in many crypto projects as promoter and also as listing manager on exchanges.

Catherine Promoter

Catherine is our Telegram channel admin and promoter, she takes care of the community by helping new investors and members.

